PD Dr. Jeannette Brodbeck

Senior Researcher

A 262
Universität Bern
Institut für Psychologie
Fabrikstrasse 8
3012 Bern

Fachpsychologin für Psychotherapie,
Senior Researcher

Research Interests

  • Development and evaluation of internet-based self-help programmes for grief after spousal bereavement or separation/divorce, including blended interventions
  • Consequences of child maltreatment during emerging adulthood
  • Resilience and vulnerability processes across the life course
  • Risk behaviour and well-being and during emerging adulthood (RIWA): A prospective 5-year community study


  • AAL Projekt – LEAVES: Optimierung der psychischen Gesundheit und Resilienz von älteren Verwitweten durch eine digitale Trauerbegleitungsplattform
    Die digitale Trauerbegleitplattform LEAVES soll ältere Verwitwete bei der Verarbeitung ihres Verlustes unterstützen und das Auftreten psychischer Probleme frühzeitig erkennen. Es wird eine Kombination aus Online Selbsthilfe und wenn nötig telefonischer sowie persönlicher Beratung entwickelt und angeboten (blended counselling). Zudem wird LEAVES die Familie und informell Helfende bei der Bewältigung ihrer Belastungen unterstützen. Die aus dem Projekt resultierende Technologie wird in den Niederlanden, in der Schweiz und in Portugal eingeführt und auf ihre klinische Wirkung sowie ihre Benutzerfreundlichkeit getestet. https://www.leaves-project.eu/


Habilitation “Risk on the internalising and externalising dimensions of psychopathology”, Faculty for Human Sciences, University of Berne

Master of Philosophy in Medical Sciences “Different perspectives on change in depressed mood in adolescence: findings from various latent variable models using Mplus”, University of Cambridge, UK (Prof. T. Croudace)

PhD in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy “Process-outcome-evaluation of a group intervention for HIV-prevention among drug using women”, University of Berne (Prof. K. Grawe)

Master of Advanced Studies in Psychotherapy with cognitive-behavioural and interpersonal focus, University of Berne, licence as psychotherapist (Prof. K. Grawe)

Master in Clinical Psychology “Therapist-patient sexual involvement: risk factors and consequences”. University of Fribourg, Switzerland (Prof. M. Perrez)


Current Positions

2011 –
Senior teaching and research associate, Department of Psychology, University of Bern, Switzerland (20%)

2019 –

Professor for Counselling, School of Social Work, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (80%)



2011 – 2015
Honorary Research Fellow, Developmental Psychiatry, Life Course Research Group, University of Cambridge, UK (part time)

2009 – 2011
Research Fellowship, Developmental Psychiatry, Life Course Research Group, University of Cambridge, UK (Swiss National Science Foundation Grant)

2008 – 2009
Research Fellowship, Emotion group, MRC-Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge UK (Swiss National Science Foundation Grant)

Previous Positions

2006 – 2008
Teaching and research associate, Department of Psychology, University of Bern, Switzerland

2002 – 2007
Private practice for psychotherapy in Basel

1995 – 2006
Clinical Psychologist, Psychiatric University Hospital, Bern, Switzerland. Wards for dually diagnosed patients with schizophrenia or personality disorder and addiction, for patients with alcohol dependency, and crisis intervention centre.

1997 – 2006
Principal Investigator, Psychiatric University Hospital, Bern, Switzerland


Clinical Qualifications

2002 – 2005
Postgraduate training in Clinical Hypnosis (GHyps)

1996 – 2002
Psychotherapy training with cognitive-behavioural and interpersonal focus, University of Berne

Psychotherapy licensures of the Canton of Baselstadt and Bern



Online self-help programmes for grief after spousal bereavement or divorce

2020 – 2023   

LEAVES - Optimizing the mental health and resilience of older adults that have lost their spouse via blended online therapy. Grant from the Active Assisted Living Pro-gramme/Innosuisse. School of Social Work FHNW and the Department of Clinical Psychology, University of Bern.

2014 – 2019

LIVIA – Internet-based self-help for prolonged grief after spousal bereavement or divorce.

Collaboration in the NCCR LIVES, Overcoming Vulnerability: Life Course Perspectives, IP 212: Relationships in later life. Granted to Dario Spini, Hansjörg Znoj and Pasqualina Perrig-Chiello

Smoking cessation

2010 –2012 
Coping with the urge to smoke: An experience sampling approach in self-quitters, Swiss National Science Foundation, submitted as Hansjörg Znoj & Jeannette Brodbeck, granted to Hansjörg Znoj

Risk behaviour and well-being in adolescence and young adulthood (RIWA)

2007 – 2009
Well-being, distress and health behaviour among young adults: Predictors of trajectories of smoking in a five-year follow-up. Federal Office of Public Health, granted to Jeannette Brodbeck

2004 – 2006
Predictors and consequences of health-risk behaviours among adolescents: a two-year follow-up. Swiss National Science Foundation and Federal Office of Public Health, granted to Jeannette Brodbeck

2002 – 2004
Sexual risk behaviour in young adults: cannabis use, motivational factors and life crises. Swiss National Science Foundation and Federal Office of Public Health, granted to Jeannette Brodbeck

Pathological gambling

2007 –2007
Individual aetiology of pathological gambling, targets for prevention and validation of the National Opinion Research Center DSM Screen for Gambling Problems. Swiss Lottery Regulation Board, granted to Hansjörg Znoj & Jeannette Brodbeck

2006 –2007
Epidemiological study of pathological gambling. Swiss Lottery Regulation Board, granted to Hansjörg Znoj & Jeannette Brodbeck

HIV-prevention in drug using women

2000 – 2002
HIV-prevention focusing on sexual risk behaviour in drug using women: a comparison of two group interventions. Swiss National Science Foundation, granted to Jeannette Brodbeck

1998 – 2000
Sexual risk behaviour in drug using women. Federal Office of Public Health, granted to Jeannette Brodbeck



2019 Certificate of Advanced Studies in Higher Education

2006 – 2008, 2011 –
Jumpstart Mplus and Longitudinal data analysis workshops for PhD students, courses on child maltreatment, resilience, emotion regulation, addiction, interpersonal aspects of depression, methods in clinical psychology, test theory, and statistics for the master thesis, Department of Psychology, University of Bern, Switzerland



Summary: 35 published peer reviewed papers, 10 book chapters, and citations 694

(Google Scholar October 2019)


Brodbeck, J., Berger, T., Biesold, N., Rockstroh, F., & Znoj, H. J. (2019). Evaluation of a guided internet-based self-help intervention for older adults after spousal bereavement or separation/divorce: A randomised controlled trial. Journal of Affective Disorders, 252, 440-449. (IP 4.08)

Faessler, L., Brodbeck, J., Schuetz, P., Haubitz, S., Mueller, B., & Perrig-Chiello, P. (2019). Medical patients’ affective well-being after emergency department admission: The role of personal and social resources and health-related variables. PloS one, 14(3), e0212900. (IP 2.76)

Brüdern, J., Stähli, A., Gysin-Maillart, A., Michel, K., Reisch, T., Jobes, D. A., & Brodbeck, J. (2018). Reasons for living and dying in suicide attempters: a two-year prospective study. BMC Psychiatry, 18(1), 234. (IP 2.42, citations 2)

Brodbeck, J., Fassbinder, E., Schweiger, U., Fehr, A., Späth, C., & Klein, J. P. (2018). Differential associations between patterns of child maltreatment and comorbidity in adult depressed patients. Journal of Affective Disorders, 230, 34-41. (IP 3.43, citations 6)

Polek, E., Jones, P. B., Fearon, P., Brodbeck, J., Moutoussis, M., Dolan, R., ... & Nspn Consortium. (2018). Personality dimensions emerging during adolescence and young adulthood are underpinned by a single latent trait indexing impairment in social functioning. BMC Psychiatry, 18(1), 23. doi.org/10.1186/s12888-018-1595-0 (IP 2.42, citations 2)

Brodbeck, J., Berger, T., & Znoj, HP (2017). Internet-based self-help intervention for older adults after marital bereavement or separation or divorce: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. TRIALS 18(1), 21. (IP 1.86, citations 9)

Moritz, S., Göritz, A., McLean, B., Westermann, S., Brodbeck, J. (2017). Do depressive symptoms predict paranoia or vice versa? Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 56, 113-121. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jbtep.2016.10.002 (IP 2.19, citations 9)

Studer, M., Stewart, J., Egloff, N., Zürcher, E., von Känel, R., Brodbeck, J., & grosse Holtforth, M. (2017). Psychosoziale Stressoren und Schmerzempfindlichkeit bei chronischer Schmerzstörung mit somatischen und psychischen Faktoren (F45. 41). Der Schmerz, 31, 40-46. (IP 0.89, citations 1)

Babl, A., grosse Holtforth, M., Heer, S., ... Brodbeck, J., Berger, T., & Caspar. F. (2016). Psychotherapy integration under scrutiny: investigating the impact of integrating emotion-focused components into a CBT-based approach: a study protocol of a randomized controlled trial. BMC psychiatry, 16(1), 423. (IP 2.58, citations 10)

van Harmelen, A.-L., Gibson, J. L., St Clair, M.  Owens, M., Brodbeck, J., Dunn, V. J.  Lewis, G. Croudace T. J., Jones, P. B., Kievit, R. A., & Goodyer, J. M. (2016). Friendships and family support reduce subsequent depressive symptoms in at-risk adolescents. PloS one, 11(5), e0153715. (IP 3.54, citations 53)

Klein, J.P., Roniger, A., Schweiger, U., P., Späth, C., & Brodbeck, J. (2015). The association of childhood trauma and personality disorder with adult chronic depression. A cross-sectional study in depressed outpatients. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 76, e794-e801. (IP 5.80, citations 29)

Brodbeck, J., Bachmann, M., Brown, A., & Znoj, H. (2014). Effects of depressive symptoms on proximal antecedents of lapses during a smoking cessation attempt: An ecological momentary assessment study. Addiction, 109, 1363-1370. (IP 4.92, citations 18)

Brodbeck, J., Goodyer, I. M., Abbott, R. A., Dunn, V. J., St Clair, M. C., Owens, M., Jones, P.B., & Croudace, T. J. (2014). General distress, hopelessness—suicidal ideation and worrying in adolescence: Concurrent and predictive validity of a symptom-level bifactor model for clinical diagnoses. Journal of Affective Disorders, 152, 299-305. (IP 3.57, citations 18)

Brodbeck, J., Stulz, N., Itten, S., Regli, D., Znoj, H., & Caspar, F. (2014). The structure of psychopathological symptoms and the associations with DSM-diagnoses in treatment seeking individuals. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 55, 714-726. (IP 2.04, citations 21)

Brodbeck, J., Bachmann, M, & Znoj, H. (2013). Distinct coping strategies differentially predict urge levels and lapses in a smoking cessation attempt. Addictive Behaviors, 38, 2224-2229. (IP 2.79, citations 18)

Brodbeck, J., Bachmann, M, Croudace, T.J., & Brown, A. (2012). Comparing growth trajectories of risk behaviours from late adolescence through young adulthood: an accelerated design. Developmental Psychology. (IP 3.11, citations 39)

Bachmann, M., Znoj, H., & Brodbeck, J. (2012). Smoking behaviour, intention to quit and quit attempts in urban adolescents and young adults: a five-year longitudinal study. Public Health, 126 1044-1050. (IP 1.35, citations 12)

Bachmann, M., Znoj, H., & Brodbeck, J. (2012). Identifying distinct quitting trajectories after an unassisted smoking cessation attempt: an ecological momentary assessment study. Open Journal of Medical Psychology, 3, 44-50. (IP 0.49, citations 4)

Roos, M., Sarkozy, A., Brodbeck, J., et al. (2012). The Importance of Class I Antiarrhythmic Drug Test in the Evaluation of Patients with Syncope: Unmasking Brugada Syndrome. Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology, 23, 290-295. (IP 3.48, citations 8)

Brodbeck, J., Abbott, R., Goodyer, I., & Croudace, T. (2011). General and specific components of depression and anxiety in an adolescent community sample. BMC Psychiatry, 11, 191. (IP 2.58, citations 31)

Roos, M., Brodbeck, J., Sarkozy, A., Chierchia, GB., De Asmundis, C., & Brugada P. (2011). A Critical Analysis of the Scientific Evidence Behind International Guidelines Related to Cardiac Arrhythmias Circulation. Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology, 4, 202-210. (IP 6.46, citations 14)

Brodbeck, J., Vilén, L., Bachmann, M., Alsaker, F.D., & Znoj, H. (2010). Sexual risk behavior in emerging adults: gender-specific effects of hedonism, psychosocial distress, and sociocognitive variables in a 5-year longitudinal study. AIDS Education and Prevention, 22, 148-159. (IP 1.36, citations 31)

Brodbeck, J., Dürrenberger, S. & Znoj, H. (2009). Prevalence rates of at-risk, problematic and pathological gambling in German- and Italian-speaking Switzerland. European Journal of Psychiatry, 23, 67-75. (IP 0.46, citations 19)

Brodbeck, J., Matter, M., Page, J. & Moggi, F. (2007). Motives for cannabis use as a moderator variable of distress among young adults. Addictive Behaviors, 32, 1537-1545. (IP 2.79, citations 67)

Brodbeck, J., Matter, M. & Moggi, F. (2006). Association of cannabis use and sexual risk behavior among young heterosexual adults. AIDS and Behavior, 10, (5) 599 – 605. (IP 3.06, citations 80)

Brodbeck, J., Matter, M. & Moggi, F. (2005). Konsumhäufigkeit von Cannabis als Indikator für biopsychosoziale Belastungen bei Schweizer Jugendlichen. [Frequency of cannabis use as an indicator for biopsychosocial stress among Swiss adolescents]. Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie, 34 (3) 188-195. (IP 0.79, citations 9)

Matter, M., Brodbeck, J. & Moggi, F. (2005). Rauschtrinken und Cannabiskonsum: Ein Vergleich. [Binge drinking and cannabis use in young adults]. Sucht, 51 (6), 336-342. (IP 0.67, citations 3)

Brodbeck, J., Matter, M., Roos, M. & Moggi, F. (2004). Virale Hepatitis und HIV aus der Sicht von Drogenkonsumentinnen. [Female drug users' view on viral hepatitis and HIV]. Sucht, 50, 354-360. (IP 0.67, citations 2)

Brodbeck, J., Moggi, F. & Matter, M. (2002). Sexuelles Risikoverhalten und HIV-Prävention bei Drogenkonsumentinnen. [Sexual risk behavior and HIV prevention among female drug users]. Sucht, 48, 1, 9-16. (IP 0.67, citations 2)

Moggi, F., Brodbeck, J., Költzsch, K., & Bachmann, K.M. (2002). One-year follow-up of dual diagnosis patients attending a 4-months integrative inpatient treatment. European Addiction Research, 8, 30-37. (IP 2.52, citations 40)

Moggi, F., Brodbeck, J., & Hirsbrunner, H. P. (2000). Therapist-patient sexual involvement: Risk factors and consequences. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 7, 54-60. (IP 1.66, citations 3)

Moggi, F., Hirsbrunner, H.P., Brodbeck, J., & Bachmann, K.M. (1999). One-year outcome of an integrative inpatient treatment for dual diagnosis patients. Addictive Behaviors, 24 (4), 589-592. (IP 2.09, citations 27)

Bachmann, K.M., Moggi, F., Hirsbrunner, H.P., Donati, R., & Brodbeck, J. (1997). An integrated treatment program for dually diagnosed patients. Psychiatric Services, 48, 314-316. (IP 2.39, citations 39)

Moggi, F. & Brodbeck, J. (1997). Risikofaktoren und Konsequenzen sexueller Übergriffe in Psychotherapien. [Risk factors and consequences of sexual abuse in psychotherapy]. Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie, 26 (1), 50-57. (IP 0.79, citations 5)

Moggi, F., Hirsbrunner, H.-P., Wittig, R., Donati, R., Brodbeck, J., & Bachmann, K.M. (1996). Stationäre Behandlung von Patienten mit Doppeldiagnosen. [Inpatient treatment of dual diagnosis patients]. Verhaltenstherapie, 6, 201-209. (IP 0.59, citations 8)



Brodbeck, J., Matter, M., & Moggi, F. (2011). Konsumhäufigkeit von Cannabis als Indikator für biopsychosoziale Belastungen bei Schweizer Jugendlichen. In Bergman, M., Hupka-Brunner, S., Keller, A., Meyer, T., Stalder, B. (Hrsg.). Transitionen im Jugendalter. Ergebnisse der Schweizer Längsschnittstude TREE. (pp .281 – 296). Zürich: Seismo.

Heinrich, A., & Brodbeck, J. (2010). Torheit der Jugend, Weisheit des Alters? Generationenunterschiede in der Wissenstruktur. In S. Trepte & M. Verbeet (Hrsg.). Allgemeinbildung in Deutschland. Erkenntnisse aus dem SPIEGEL-Studentenpisa-Test. (S.207-224). Hamburg, Germany: Spiegel-Verlag.

Brodbeck, J. (2007). Diagnose von Komorbidität, psychischer Störung und Sucht. [Diagnosis of comorbidity, mental disorders and addiction]. In F. Moggi (Hrsg.), Doppeldiagnosen. Komorbidität psychischer Störung und Sucht. [Dual diagnoses: Comorbidity of mental disorders and addiction]. (2., completely revised edition, pp.161-178). Bern: Huber. (citations 3)

Brodbeck, J. (2006). Predictors of risk behaviour among young people: a follow-up after two years. In Federal Office of Public Health FOPH (Eds.), Vulnerable young people and prevention (pp. 19 – 26). Langenthal: Merkur Druck.

Brodbeck, J. (2002). Diagnostik der Komorbidität. [Diagnosis of comorbidity]. In F. Moggi (Hrsg.), Doppeldiagnosen. Komorbidität psychischer Störung und Sucht [Dual diagnoses: Comorbidity of mental disorders and addiction]. (S.125-140). Bern: Huber. (citations 3)

Költzsch, K. & Brodbeck, J. (2002). Psychotherapie von Patientinnen mit Persönlichkeits- und Substanzstörung. [Psychotherapy of patients with personality disorders and substance abuse disorders]. In: F. Moggi (Hrsg.), Doppeldiagnosen. Komorbidität psychischer Störung und Sucht [Dual diagnoses: Comorbidity of mental disorders and addiction]. (S.161-180). Bern: Huber.

Moggi, F., Brodbeck, J., Hirsbrunner, H. P., Donati, R. & Bachmann, K.M. (1997). Integrative Behandlung von Patienten mit Doppeldiagnosen. [Integrated treatment of patients with dual diagnosis]. In Ch. Mundt, M. Linden & W. Barnett (Hrsg.). Psychotherapie in der Psychiatrie. [Psychotherapy in Psychiatry]. Berlin: Springer, 249-254.

Bachmann, K.M., Moggi, F., Wittig, R., Donati, R., Brodbeck, J., Hirsbrunner, H.P. & Brenner, H.D. (1997). Doppeldiagnosen (Schizophrenie und Sucht) .[Dual Diagnosis (Schizophrenia and addiction) ]. In W. Böker & H.D. Brenner (Hrsg.), Behandlung schizophrener Psychosen [Treatment of schizophrenic psychoses]. (S. 257-269). Stuttgart: Enke.

Brodbeck, J. & Moggi, F. (1996). Risikofaktoren und Folgen sexueller Übergriffe in der Psychotherapie. Eine empirische Untersuchung aus Patientinnenperspektive. Tagungsband zur Tagung des Sozialpsychiatrischen Dienstes des Kanton St. Gallen: Sexualität und Psychotherapie: Zwischen Tabu und Übergriff, 16-29.

Brodbeck, J. & Moggi, F. (1995). Sexueller Missbrauch in der Psychotherapie: Eine empirische Untersuchung aus der Opferperspektive. In: Sexualität, Macht, Geld. Ethische Fragen in der Psychotherapie. Schriftenreihe aus dem Szondi-Institut, 3, 69-82.



Brodbeck, J., Berger, T., Biesold, N. Rockstroh, F. & Znoj, H. J. (2019). Associations of Participant Characteristics with Adherence and Treatment Outcomes in an Internet Intervention for Prolonged Grief Symptoms. Talk given at the 16th SPS SGP SSP Conference, Bern, 9.-11. September 2019.

Brodbeck, J., Berger, T., Biesold, N. Rockstroh, F. & Znoj, H. J. (2019). Wirkfaktoren in einem angeleiteten internetbasierten Selbsthilfeprogramm für anhaltende Trauer nach Partnerverlust. Talk given at the 9th World Conference of Behavioural and Cognitive therapies, Berlin, 17.-20. July 2019.

Brodbeck, J., Berger, T., Biesold, N. & Znoj, H. J. (2018). LIVIA: Indicated prevention after spousal bereavement and divorce. Talk given at the 5th conference of the European Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Dublin, 19./20. April 2018.

Brodbeck, J., Berger, T., Biesold, N. & Znoj, H. J. (2018). LIVIA: Internet-basierte Selbsthilfe für anhaltende Trauersymptome nach Scheidung oder Verwitwung. Talk given at the 36. Symposium der Fachgruppe Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie der DGPs in Landau, 10.-12. May 2018.

Brodbeck, J., Klaus, V. & Znoj, H.J. (2018) Kindesmisshandlung und Ehezufriedenheit in der zweiten Lebenshälfte. Poster presented at the 36. Symposium der Fachgruppe Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie der DGPs in Landau, 10.-12. May 2018.

Brodbeck, J., Biesold, N., Linder, F., Berger, T., & Znoj, H. J. (2018). LIVIA: Predictors of treatment outcome of a guided internet intervention for prolonged grief symptoms after marital bereavement and divorce. Talk given at the 49th Society for Psychotherapy research in Amsterdam, 27.-30. June 2018.

Brodbeck J., Berger, T., Biesold, N., & Znoj, H.J. (2017). LIVIA: Effects of an internet-based self-help intervention for coping with persistent grief and adaptation problems after marital separation or divorce. Talk given at the 9th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Berlin, 12.-14. October, 2017.

Brodbeck, J., Knöpfli, B., Perrig-Chiello, P. (2017). Effects of the relationship with the ex-partner on psychological adaptation after grey divorce. Talk given at the 15th Swiss Psychological Society conference “Treasuring the diversity of psychology”, Lausanne, 4./5. September 2017.

Brodbeck, J., Strub, R., Durrer, L., et al.  (2017) LIVIA: Effects of an internet-based self-help intervention for older adults after bereavement or divorce. Poster presented at the 15th Swiss Psychological Society conference “Treasuring the diversity of psychology”, Lausanne, 4./5. September 2017. (Best Poster award)

Debrot, A., Brodbeck, J., Berger, T., Znoj, H.J., Pomini, V.  (2017) LIVIA-FR: A French adaptation of an online therapeutic intervention for adults having difficulties to deal with their romantic partner’s loss. Poster presented at the15th Swiss Psychological Society conference “Treasuring the diversity of psychology”, Lausanne, 4./5. September 2017.

Kohli, L.R., Brodbeck, J., Abegglen, S., Hoffmann-Richter, U., Schade, V., & Znoj, H.J. (2017). Self-efficacy mediates the relation between fear-avoidance beliefs and Wellbeing. Poster presented at the 15th Swiss Psychological Society conference “Treasuring the diversity of psychology”, Lausanne, 4./5. September 2017.

Brodbeck, J. (2016). Mechanisms linking child maltreatment with depression and anxiety in young adulthood. Talk presented at the 24th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, Vilnius, 14. July 2016. (Chair of the symposium: Mechanisms linking child maltreatment with depression and anxiety).

Brodbeck, J., Knöpfli, B., Znoj, H. & Perrig-Chiello, P. (2016). Expression of grief and personal growth in divorced and widowed older adults. Poster presented at the 24th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, Vilnius, 12. July 2016. (Chair of the poster workshop: Divorce and spousal bereavement in later life: What contributes to psychological adaptation).

Knöpfli, B., Brodbeck, J., & Perrig-Chiello, P. (2016). Marital breakup after long-term marriage: How the past and ongoing relationship with the ex-partner in linked to psychological adaptation. Poster presented at the 24th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, Vilnius, 12. July 2016.

Schmidt, S. J. & Brodbeck, J.  (2016). Trajectory classes of risk behaviors in a 16- to 24- year old general population sample with a five-year follow-up. Poster presented at the 24th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, Vilnius, 11. July 2016.

Brodbeck, J. (2015). Longitudinal associations between casual sexual relationships and stressful life events in emerging adults. Talk presented at the SSP/SGP conference 2015. The Future of Psychology, Geneva 8. – 9. September 2015

Brodbeck, J. (2015). Longitudinal measurement invariance from an applied perspective. Talk presented at the 13th European Conference on Psychological Assessment (ECPA13), Zurich 22. – 25. July 2015.



Brodbeck, J., & Debrot, A. (2019). Internet-based self-help intervention for adults after bereavement or divorce (LIVIA projects). Talk given at the Swiss Internet Intervention Day, Lausanne, 8. November 2019.

Brodbeck, J. Internet interventions for improving health and well-being. Keynote at the summer school “Social work in the digital Age”, Muttenz, 3.-7. June 2019.

Brodbeck, J. (2016). Analysis of resilience in longitudinal data using Structural Equation Modelling and Latent Class (and Transition) Analysis. Talk given at the symposium: Examining resilience in longitudinal cohort studies using multi-modal data analysis, University of Cambridge, UK, 13. December 2016.

Brodbeck, J. (2016). Resilienz und Ressourcen in der Psychotherapie. Vortrag im Rahmen der Sommerakademie der MAS Psychotherapie mit Schwerpunkt VT, Universität Bern, 7. Juli 2016.

Brodbeck, J. (2016). Relationships in later life: Challenges and Opportunities. Talk and Welcome address given at the LIVES International Conference, University of Bern, 28. June 2016.

Brodbeck, J. (2016). Closing remarks. Talk given at the LIVES International Conference, University of Bern, 29. June 2016.

Brodbeck, J. & Morselli, D. (2016): Relationships in Later Life: Patterns of psychological adaptation to divorce and spousal bereavement. Talk presented at the LIVES Methods workshop: Empirical methods for studying vulnerability processes over the life course, Rolle, 26. April 2016.

Brodbeck, J. (2015). Resilienz: Von alltäglicher Magie und harter Arbeit. Antrittsvorlesung zur Habilitation. Universität Bern, 23. November 2015.

Brodbeck, J. (2014). Concurrent and predictive validity of bifactor models in a community sample of adolescents and a sample of psychotherapy patients. Talk at the Department of Psychiatry, University of Cambridge, 13. November 2014.