Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie

News aus der Abteilung

PD Dr. Tobias Krieger

Leitender Psychologe PTP (Co-Leitung), Forschungsgruppenleiter, Dozent und Supervisor

Fachpsychologe für Psychotherapie FSP; Supervisor FSP

+41 31 684 54 06
(für Therapieanfragen wenden Sie sich bitte ans Sekretariat: 031 684 45 81)
Universität Bern
Institut für Psychologie
Fabrikstrasse 8
3012 Bern

Psychotherapeutische Praxisstelle (PTP)
Universität Bern
Gesellschaftsstrasse 49
3012 Bern
nach Vereinbarung
Montag - Donnerstag


  • ZeroOCD: Augmented Reality app-based Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • RECONNECTED: A complex systems approach to promote resilience and connect vulnerable European citizens in the community in times of change
  • Improving the understanding of chronic loneliness (Studien: SOLUS und Petrarca)
  • Zurich-Bern multidimensional meta-analysis of psychotherapy for depression (Link)
  • European Comparative Effectiveness Research on Internet-based Depression Treatment (E-COMPARED)
  • Integrating Technology into Mental Health Care Delivery in Europe (ICare)
  • Evaluation verschiedener internetbasierter Selbsthilfeprogramme (laufende Studien unter www.online-therapy.ch)
  • Self-compassion in competitive sports (PI: https://www.ehsm.admin.ch/de/taetigkeitsbereiche/sportpsychologie.html)


  • (Chronische) Einsamkeit
  • Psychotherapieoutcome- und -prozessforschung
  • Internetbasierte Interventionen
  • Transdiagnostische Vulnerabilitätsfaktoren
  • Psychotherapie der Depression
  • Alternatives Modell von Persönlichkeitsstörungen (AMPD)

Aktuell habe ich leider keine neuen Masterarbeiten zu vergeben.



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2025/accepted/in press

Herrero, R., Franke, M., Görlich, D. Garcia-Palacios, A., Baños, R., Jacobi, C., Berger, T., Schaub, M., Krieger, T., Ebert, D.D., Botella, C., (accepted). Efficacy of the Internet-based intervention “Cultivating our resilience” (CORE) for improving resilience and coping strategies in university students: A randomized controlled trial. Internet Interventions.

Šipka, D., Lopes, R.C.T., Krieger, T., Klein, P., & Berger, T. (2025). Active components in internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for social anxiety disorder: A randomized full factorial trial, Psychotherapy & Psychosomatics, 1-20. doi.org/10.1159/000542425


Doukani, A., Quartagno, M., Sera, F., Free, C., Kakuma, R., Riper, H., Kleiboer, A., Cerga-Pashoja, A., van Schaik, A., Botella, C., Berger, T., Chevreul, K., Matynia, M., Krieger, T., Hazo, J.-B., Draisma, S., Titzler, I., Topooco, N., Mathiasen, K., Vernmark, K., Urech, A., Maj, A., Andersson, G., Berking, M., Baños, R. M., & Araya, R. (2024). Comparison of the Working Alliance in Blended Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Treatment as Usual for Depression in Europe: Secondary Data Analysis of the E-COMPARED Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 26, e47515. doi.org/10.2196/47515

Imwinkelried, M., Seewer, N., Berger, T., & Krieger, T. (2024). Internetbasierte Selbsthilfe bei Einsamkeit - Eine systematische Übersicht. Bundesgesundheitsblatt, 67, 1161-1171. doi.org/10.1007/s00103-024-03934-1

Krieger, T., & Seewer, N., (2024) Should loneliness be a treatment target? Psychotherapy & Psychosomatics, 93(5), 292-297. doi.org/10.1159/000540988

Seewer, N., Skoko, A., Käll; A., Andersson, G., Berger, T., Krieger, T. (2024). Predictors and moderators of outcome of ICBT for loneliness with guidance or automated messages - A secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial. Internet Interventions, 35, 100701. doi:10.1016/j.invent.2023.100701

Seewer, N., Skoko, A., Käll, A., Andersson, G., Luhmann, M., Berger, T., & Krieger, T. (2024). Efficacy of an Internet-based self-help intervention with human guidance or automated messages to alleviate loneliness: A three-armed randomized controlled trial. Scientific Reports, 14, 6569. doi:10.1038/s41598-024-57254-0

Skoko, A., Käser, J., Seewer, N., Krieger, T. (2024). Preliminary investigation of the regulatory loop of loneliness and the protective role of self-esteem – a cross-sectional study. Current Psychology, 43, 24664–24677. doi.org/10.1007/s12144-024-06185-0

Zarski, A.-C., Weisel, K., Berger, T., Krieger, T., Schaub, M. P., Berking, M., Görlich, D., Jacobi, C., & Ebert, D. D. (2024). Efficacy of an internet- and mobile-based transdiagnostic and tailored intervention for anxiety and depression (ICare Prevent) with two guidance formats: Results from a three-armed randomized controlled trial. Psychotherapy & Psychosomatics, 93(3), 155-168. doi:10.1159/000536149


Merzhvynska, M., Wolf, M., Krieger, T., Berger, T., Munder, T., & Watzke, B. (2023). Prognostic Risk Factors in Randomized Clinical Trials of Face-to-Face and Internet-Based Psychotherapy for Depression: A Systematic Review and Meta-Regression Analysis. JAMA Psychiatry. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2023.3861

Gómez Penedo, J.M., Rubel, J., Meglio, M., Bornhauser, L., Krieger, T., Babl, A., Muiños, R., Roussos, A., Delgadillo, J., Flückiger, C., Berger, T., Lutz, W., grosse Holtforth, M. (2023). Using machine learning algorithms to predict the effects of change processes in psychotherapy: Towards process-level treatment personalization. Psychotherapy, 60(4), 536–547. doi:10.1037/pst0000507

Bielinski, L. L., Krieger, T., Kley, M. A., Moggi, F., & Berger, T. (2023). Blending an internet-based emotion regulation intervention with face-to-face psychotherapy: Findings from a pilot randomized controlled trial. Internet Interventions, 33, 100650. doi:10.1016/j.invent.2023.100650

Krieger, T., Bur, O.T., Weber, L., Wolf, M., Berger, T., Watzke, B., & Munder, T. (2023). Human contact in internet-based interventions for depression: A pre-registered replication and meta-analysis of randomized trials. Internet Interventions, 32, 100617. doi:10.1016/j.invent.2023.100617

Caspar, F., Berger, T., grosse Holtforth, M., Babl, A., Heer, S., Lin, M., Stähli, A., Gomez Penedo, J.M., Holstein, D., Egenolf, Y., Frischknecht, E., Krieger, T., Ramseyer, F., Regli, D., Schmied, E., Flückiger, C., Brodbeck, J., Greenberg, L., Carver, C.S. Castonguay, L., Kramer, U., Auszra, L., Herrmann, I., & Belz, M. (2023). The Impact of Integrating Emotion Focused Components into Psychological Therapy: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 79(2), 296-315. doi:10.1002/jclp.23421

Pchelina, P., Duss, S. B., Bernasconi, C., Berger, T., Krieger, T., & Bassetti, C. L., Urech, A. (2023). Guided Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia: Prognostic and Treatment-Predictive Factors. Diagnostics, 13(4), 781. doi:10.3390/diagnostics13040781

Röthlin, P., Horvath, S., Messerli, T., Krieger, T., Berger, T., & Birrer, D. (2023). Associations of self-compassion with shame, guilt, and training motivation after sport-specific daily stress – a smartphone study. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 21(1), 90-101. doi:10.1080/1612197X.2021.2025134


Ackeret, N. Röthlin, P., Allemand, M., Krieger, T., Berger, T., Znoj, H., Kenttä, G., Birrer, D., & Horvath, S. (2022). Six-month stability of individual differences in sports coaches’ burnout, self-compassion and social support. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 61, 102207. doi:10.1016/j.psychsport.2022.102207

Bielinski, L. L., Bur, O. T., Wälchli, G., Suter, J. M., Walsh, N., Kley, M. A., Krieger, T., & Berger, T. (2022). Two sides of the same coin? Patient and therapist experiences with a transdiagnostic blended intervention focusing on emotion regulation. Internet Interventions, 100586. doi:10.1016/j.invent.2022.100586

Bur, O. T., Bielinski, L. L., Krauss, S., Häfliger, A., Guggisberg, J., Krieger, T., & Berger, T. (2022). Working alliance and adherence mediate the effect of guidance in a web-based program for participants with mild to moderate depressive symptoms: A secondary mediation analysis. Internet Interventions, 100593. doi:10.1016/j.invent.2022.100593

Bur, O. T., Krieger, T., Moritz, S., Klein, J. P., & Berger, T. (2022). Optimizing the context of support to improve outcomes of web-based self-help in individuals with depressive symptoms: A randomized full factorial trial. Behavior Research and Therapy, 152, 104070. doi:10.1016/j.brat.2022.104070

Jensen, E.S., Ladegaard, N., Mellentin, A.I., Ebert, D.D., Titzler, I., Araya, R., Cega-Pahoja, A., Hazo, J.-B., Holtzmann, J., Cieslak, R., Smoktunowicz, E., Banos, E.M., Herero, R., Garcia-Palacios, A., Berger, T., Krieger, T., Holmberg, T.T., Topoco, N., Andersson, G., van Straten, A., Kemmeren., L., Kleiboer, A., Riper, H., & Mathiasen, K. (2022) Effect of sleep disturbance symptoms on treatment outcome in blended CBT for depression: A secondary analysis of the E-COMPARED study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 24(3), e30231. doi:10.2196/30231

Munder, T., Geisshüsler, A., Krieger, T., Zimmermann, J., Wolf, M., Berger, T., & Watzke, B. (2022). Intensity of treatment as usual and its impact on the effects of face-to-face and internet-based psychotherapy for depression: A preregistered meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 91, 200-209. doi:10.1159/000521951

Seewer, N., Skoko, A., Käll, A., Andersson, G., Luhmann, M., Berger, T., & Krieger, T. (2022). Evaluating the Efficacy of a Guided and Unguided Internet-Based Self-help Intervention for Chronic Loneliness: Protocol for a 3-Arm Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 11(7):e36358. https://doi.org/10.2196/36358

Seewer, N., Skoko, A., & Krieger, T. (2022). SOLUS-D – Eine Internet-basierte Selbsthilfeintervention bei chronischer Einsamkeit. Psychotherapie im Dialog, 23, 68–72. doi:10.1055/a-1711-8377

Urech, A., Krieger, T., Berger, T. (2022). Digitale Behandlungsmöglichkeiten bei Angststörungen und Depressionen. Schweizer Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie & Neurologie, 5, 4-9. Link


Bur, O., Krieger, T., Moitz, S., Klein, J.P., & Berger, T. (2021). Improving outcome of and adherence to internet-based self-help interventions for depressive symptoms by optimizing the context of support: Study protocol for a randomized factorial trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 10(2), e21207. doi:10.2196/21207

Gómez Penedo, J.M., Rubel, J., Krieger, T., Alalú, N., Babl, A.M., Roussos, A., & grosse Holtforth, M.(2021). Effects of patient-therapist interpersonal complementarity on alliance and outcome in cognitive-behavioral therapies for depression: Moving towards interpersonal responsiveness. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 68(5), 582-592. doi:10.1037/cou0000528

Kerber, A., Schaeuffele, C., Krieger, T., Urech, A., Riper, H., Berger, T., Boettcher, J., & Knaevelsrud, C. (2021). Differential Effects of Psychological Interventions in Online and Face-to-Face Settings on DSM-5 and ICD-11 Maladaptive Trait Domains: An Exploratory Pilot Study. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12. doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2021.648367

Krieger, T., Seewer, N., & Skoko, A. (2021). Chronische Einsamkeit – mehr als ein Symptom einer Depression. Psychotherapie im Dialog, 22(03), 59-63. doi:10.1055/a-1215-1677

Lopes, R.C.T., Šipka, D., Krieger, T., Klein, P., & Berger, T. (2021). Optimizing cognitive-behavioral therapy for social anxiety disorder using the factorial design: what works best and how does it work? Internet Interventions, 26, 100480. doi:10.1016/j.invent.2021.100480

van Genugten, C., Schuurmans, J., Hoogendoorn, A.W., Araya, R. Andersson, G., Baños, R.M., Berger, T., Botella, C., Cerga Pashoja, A., Cieslak, R., Ebert, D.D., García-Palacios, A., Hazo, J-B., Herrero, R., Holtzmann, J., Kemmeren, L., Kleiboer, A., Krieger, T., Rogala, A., Titzler, I., Topooco, N., Smit, J.H., & Riper, H. (2021). Understanding the theoretical framework of behavioral activation for major depressive disorder using smartphone-based ecological momentary assessment. JMIR Ment Health 2021;8(12):e32007. doi:10.2196/32007


Berger, T., Bur, O., & Krieger, T. (2020). Internet-Interventionen in der Psychotherapie. Fortschritte der Neurologie· Psychiatrie, 88(10), 677-689. doi:10.1055/a-1165-7496 

Bielinski, L.L., Krieger, T., Moggi, F., Trimpop, L., Willutzki, U., Nissen, C., & Berger, T. (2020). REMOTION Blended Transdiagnostic Intervention for Symptom Reduction and Improvement of Emotion Regulation in an Outpatient Psychotherapeutic Setting: Protocol for a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 9(11), e20936. doi:10.2196/20936

Friedl, N., Berger, T., Krieger, T., Caspar, F., & grosse Holtforth, M. (2020). Using the Personalized Advantage Index for individual treatment allocation to cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or a CBT with integrated exposure and emotion-focused elements (CBT-EE). Psychotherapy Research, 30(6), 763–775. doi:10.1080/10503307.2019.1664782

Friedl, N., Krieger, T., Chevreul, K., Hazo, J.B., Holtzmann, J., Hoogendoorn, M., Kleiboer, A., Mathiasen, K., Urech, A., Riper, H., & Berger, T. (2020). Using the Personalized Advantage Index for individual treatment allocation to blended treatment or treatment as usual for depression in secondary care. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 9(2), 490. doi:10.3390/jcm9020490

Gómez Penedo, J.M., Babl, A., Krieger, T., Heinonen, E., Flückiger, C., & grosse Holtforth, M. (2020). Interpersonal agency as predictor of the within-patient alliance effects on depression severity. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 88(4), 338–349. doi:10.1037/ccp0000475

Gómez Penedo, J.M., Berger, T., grosse Holtforth, M., Krieger, T., Schröder, J., Hohagen, F., Meyer, B., Moritz, S., & Klein, J.P. (2020). The Working Alliance Inventory for guided internet interventions (WAI-I). Journal of Clinical Psychology, 6(6), 973–986. doi:10.1002/jclp.22823

Gómez Penedo, J.M., Babl, A., grosse Holtforth, M., Hohagen, F., Krieger, T., Lutz, W., Meyer, B., Moritz, S. Klein, J.P., & Berger, T. (2020). The association between the therapeutic alliance and long-term outcome in a guided Internet intervention for depressive symptoms. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(3), e15824. doi:10.2196/15824

Gómez Penedo, J.M., Coyne, A.E., Constantino, M.J., Krieger, T., Hayes, A.M., & grosse Holtforth, M. (2020). Theory-specific patient change processes and mechanisms in different cognitive therapies for depression. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 88(8), 774–785. doi:10.1037/ccp0000502

Gómez Penedo, J.M.*, Krieger, T.*, Koditek, M., grosse Holtforth, M. (2020). Discrepant negative self-associations as a risk factor for depressive deterioration after outpatient psychotherapy. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 69, 101576. doi:10.1016/j.jbtep.2020.101576 *shared first authorship

Pchelina, P., Poluektov, M.G., Berger, T., Krieger, T., Duss, S.B., Bassetti, C. (2020). Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia in clinical settings. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, 838. doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2020.00838

Urech, A., Krieger, T., Frischknecht, E., Lüthy-Stalder, F., grosse Holtforth, M., Müri, R., Znoj, H., & Hofer, H. (2020). An integrative neuro-psychotherapy treatment to foster the adjustment in acquired brain injury patients - A randomized controlled study. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 9(6), 1684. doi:10.3390/jcm9061684

Weisel, K.K., Zarski, A.-C., Berger, T., Krieger, T., Schaub., M., Moser, T., Göhrlich, D., Berking, M., Ebert, D.D. (2020). User experience and effects of an individually tailored transdiagnostic internet-based and mobile-supported intervention for anxiety disorders: A pilot feasibility study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(9):e16450. doi:10.2196/16450


Berger, T., Bur, O., & Krieger, T. (2019). Internet-Interventionen in der Psychotherapie. PPmP-Psychotherapie· Psychosomatik· Medizinische Psychologie, 69(09/10), 413-426. DOI:10.1055/a-0963-9055

Berger, T., Bur, O., & Krieger, T. (2019). Internet-Interventionen in der Psychotherapie. PSYCH up2date, 13(5), 435–448. DOI:10.1055/a-0847-9263

grosse Holtforth, M., Krieger, T., Zimmermann, J., Altenstein-Yamanaka, D., Dörig, N., Meisch, L., & Hayes, A. M. (2019). A randomized controlled trial of cognitive-behavioral therapy  for depression with integrated techniques from emotion-focused and exposure therapies. Psychotherapy Research, 29(1), 30–44. DOI:10.1080/10503307.2017.1397796

Halamová, J., Kanovský, M., Gilbert, P., Troop, N. A., Zuroff, D. C., Hermanto, N., Petrocchi, N., Sommers-Spijkerman, M., Kirby, J. N., Shahar, B., Krieger, T., Matos, M., Asano, K., Yu, F., Basran, J., & Kupeli, N. (2019). Multiple group IRT measurement invariance analysis of the Forms of Self-Criticising/Attacking & Self-Reassuring Scale in thirteen international samples. Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy, 37, 411–444. DOI:10.1007/s10942-019-00319-1

Krieger, T., Reber, F., von Glutz, B., Urech, A., Moser, C. T., Schulz, A., & Berger, T. (2019). An Internet-based compassion-focused intervention for increased self-criticism: A randomized controlled trial. Behavior Therapy, 50(2), 430–445. DOI:10.1016/j.beth.2018.08.003

Krieger, T.*, Urech, A.*, Duss, S., Blätter, L., Schmitt, W., Gast, H., Bassetti, C.**, & Berger, T.** (2019). A randomized controlled trial comparing guided internet-based multi-component treatment and guided sleep restriction treatment to care as usual in insomnia. Sleep Medicine, 62, 43–52. *shared first authorship **shared senior authorship DOI:10.1016/j.sleep.2019.01.045

Urech, A., Krieger, T., Möseneder, L., Biaggi, A., Vincent, A., Poppe, C., Meyer, B., Riper, H., & Berger, T. (2019). A patient post-hoc perspective on advantages and disadvantages of blended cognitive-behavior therapy for depression: A qualitative content analysis. Psychotherapy Research, 29(8), 986–998. DOI:10.1080/10503307.2018.1430910

Vîslă, A., Flückiger, C., Constantino, M., J., Krieger, T., & grosse Holtforth, M. (2019). Patient characteristics and the therapist as predictors of depressed patients’ outcome expectation over time: A multilevel analysis. Psychotherapy Research, 29(5–6), 709–722. DOI:10.1080/10503307.2018.1428379

Weisel, K. K., Zarski, A.-C., Berger, T., Krieger, T., Schaub, M., Moser, C. T., Berking, M., Dey, M., Botella, C., Banos, R., Herrero, R., Etchemendy, E., Riper, H., Cuijpers, P., Bolinski, F., Kleiboer A., Göhrlich, D., Beecham, J., Jacobi, C., & Ebert, D. D., (2019). Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of guided and unguided internet- and mobile-based indicated transdiagnostic prevention of depression and anxiety (ICare prevent): A three-armed randomized controlled trial in four European countries. Internet Interventions, 16, 52–64. DOI:10.1016/j.invent.2018.04.002

Wendt, L.P., Wright, A.G.C., Pilkonis, P.A., Nolte, T., Fonagy, P., Montague, P.R., Benecke, C., Krieger, T., & Zimmermann, J. (2019). The latent structure of interpersonal problems: Validity of dimensional, categorical and hybrid models. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 128(8), 823–839. DOI:10.1037/abn0000460


Berger, T., & Krieger, T. (2018). Internet Interventionen: Ein Überblick. Psychotherapie im Dialog, 19, 18–24. DOI:10.1055/a-0592-0282

Berger, T., Krieger, T., Sude, K., Meyer, B., & Maercker, A. (2018). Evaluating an e-mental health program (“deprexis”) as adjunctive treatment tool in psychotherapy for depression: Results of a pragmatic randomized controlled trial. Journal of Affective Disorders, 227, 455–462. DOI:10.1016/j.jad.2017.11.021

Halamová, J., Kanovský, M., Gilbert, P., Troop, N. A., Zuroff, D. C., Hermanto, N., Petrocchi, N., Sommers-Spijkerman, M., Kirby, J. N., Shahar, B., Krieger, T., Matos, M., Asano, K., Yu, F., Basran, J., & Kupeli, N. (2018). The factor structure of the Forms of Self-Criticising/Attacking & Self-Reassuring Scale in thirteen distinct populations. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 40(4), 736–751. DOI:10.1007/s10862-018-9675-5

Krieger, T., & Berger, T. (2018). E-Mental Health: Chancen und Herausforderungen. à jour! Psychotherapie-Berufsentwicklung, 7(1), 27–30.

Krieger, T., Klein, J.P., Moritz, S., & Berger, T. (2018). Internet-basierte Interventionen bei Depressionen: Evidenz und Stellenwert in der Praxis. Psychopharmakotherapie, 25, 2–8.

Machmutow, K., grosse Holtforth, M., Krieger, T., & Watzke, B. (2018). Identifying relapse prevention elements during psychological treatment of depression: Development of an observer-based rating instrument. Journal of Affective Disorders, 227, 358–365. DOI:10.1016/j.jad.2017.11.009

Stolz, T., Schulz, A., Krieger, T., Vincent, A., Urech, A., Moser, C., Westermann, S., & Berger, T. (2018). A mobile app for social anxiety disorder: A three-arm randomized controlled trial comparing mobile and PC-based guided self-help interventions. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 86(6), 493–504. DOI:10.1037/ccp0000301

Weisel, K. K., Zarski, A.-C., Berger, T., Schaub, M. P., Krieger, T., Moser, C. T., Berking, M., & Ebert, D. D. (2018). Transdiagnostic tailored internet-and mobile-based guided treatment for major depressive disorder and comorbid anxiety: Study protocol of a randomized controlled trial. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 9, 274. DOI:10.3389/fpsyt.2018.00274


Altenstein, D., Zimmermann, J., Krieger, T., Doerig, N, & grosse Holtforth, M. (2017). Self-reported interpersonal problems and impact messages as perceived by significant others are differentially associated with the process and outcome of depression therapy. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 64(4), 410–423. DOI:10.1037/cou0000221

Berger, T., Urech, A., Krieger, T., Stolz, T., Schulz, A., Vincent, A., Moser, C.T., Moritz, S., & Meyer, B. (2017). Effects of a transdiagnostic unguided Internet intervention ("velibra") for anxiety disorders in primary care: Results of a randomised controlled trial. Psychological Medicine, 74(1), 67–80. DOI:10.1017/S0033291716002270

Krieger, T. & Frischknecht, E. (2017). Selbstmitgefühl und Depression: Zusammenhänge und Interventionen. Psychotherapie im Dialog, 4, 36–40. DOI:10.1055/s-0043-118258

Topooco, N., Riper, H., Araya, R., Berking, M., Brunn, M., Chevreul, K., Cieslak, R., Ebert, D., Etchmendy, E., Herrero, R., Kleiboer, A., Krieger, T., García-Palacios, A., Cerga-Pashoja, A., Smoktunowicz, E., Urech, A., Vis, C., & Andersson, G., on behalf of the E-COMPARED consortium (2017). Attitudes towards digital treatment for depression: A European stakeholder survey. Internet Interventions, 8, 1–9. DOI: 10.1016/j.invent.2017.01.001

Zimmermann, J.*, Mayer, A.*, Leising, D., Krieger, T., Grosse Holtforth, M., & Pretsch, J. (2017). Exploring situational effects in the assessment of DSM-5 maladaptive personality traits: A latent state-trait theory analysis. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 33(1), 47–54. [* shared first authorship]. DOI:10.1027/1015-5759/a000271 *shared first authorship


Doerig, N., Krieger, T., Altenstein, D., Schlumpf, Y., Spinelli, S., Spati, J., Brakowski, J., Quednow, B. B., Seifritz, E., & grosse Holtforth, M. (2016). Amygdala response to self-critical stimuli and symptom improvement in psychotherapy for depression. British Journal of Psychiatry, 208(2), 175–181. DOI:10.1192/bjp.bp.114.149971

Kishimoto, T., Krieger, T., Berger, T., Qian, M., Chen, H., & Yang, Y. (2016). Internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for increased social anxiety symptoms with and without guidance compared to a waiting list in China: A propensity score study. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 85, 317–319. DOI:10.1159/000446584

Kleiboer, A., Smit, J., Bosmans, J., Ruwaard, J., Andersson, G., Topooco, N., Berger, T., Krieger, T., Botella, C., Baños, R., Chevreul, K., Araya, R., Cerga-Pashoja, A., Cieślak, R., Rogala, A., Vis, C., Draisma, S., van Schaik, A., Kemmeren, L., Ebert, D., Berking, M., Funk, B., Cuijpers, P., & Riper, H. (2016). European comparative effectiveness research on blended depression treatment versus treatment-as-usual (E-COMPARED): Study protocol of a randomized controlled non-inferiority trial in eight European countries. Trials, 17(1), 1–10. DOI:10.1186/s13063-016-1511-1

Krieger, T., Berger, T., & grosse Holtforth, M. (2016). The relationship of self-compassion and depression: Cross-lagged panel analyses in depressed patients after outpatient therapy. Journal of Affective Disorders, 202, 39–45. DOI:10.1016/j.jad.2016.05.032

Krieger, T., Martig, D. S., van den Brink, E., & Berger, T. (2016). Working on self-compassion online: A proof of concept and feasibility study. Internet Interventions, 6, 64–70. DOI: 10.1016/j.invent.2016.10.001

Schulz, A., Stolz, T., Vincent, A., Krieger, T., Andersson, G., & Berger, T. (2016). A sorrow shared is a sorrow halved? A three-arm randomized controlled trial comparing internet-based individually versus group-guided self-help treatment for social anxiety disorder. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 84, 14–26. doi:10.1016/j.brat.2016.07.001


Brockmeyer, T., Grosse Holtforth, M., Krieger, T., Altenstein, D., Doerig, N., Zimmermann, J., Backenstrass, M., Friederich, H.-C., & Bents, H. (2015). Preliminary evidence for a nexus between rumination, behavioural avoidance, motive satisfaction, and depression. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 22, 232–239. DOI:10.1002/cpp.1885

Krieger, T., Hermann, H., Zimmermann, J., & grosse Holtforth, M. (2015). Associations of self-compassion and global self-esteem with positive and negative affect and stress reactivity in daily life: Findings from a smart phone study. Personality and Individual Differences, 87, 288–292. DOI:10.1016/j.paid.2015.08.009

Urech, A., Krieger, T., Chesham, A., Mast, F. W., & Berger, T. (2015). Virtual Reality-Based Attention Bias Modification Training for Social Anxiety: A Feasibility and Proof of Concept Study. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 6(154). DOI:10.3389/fpsyt.2015.00154


Grosse Holtforth, M., Altenstein, D., Krieger, T., Flückiger, C., Wright, A.G.C. & Caspar, F. (2014). Interpersonal differentiation within depression diagnosis: Relating interpersonal subgroups to symptom load and the quality of the early therapeutic alliance. Psychotherapy Research, 24(4), 429–41. DOI:10.1080/10503307.2013.829253

Grosse Holtforth, M., & Krieger, T. (2014). Expositionsbasierte kognitive Therapie bei Depressionen. Nervenheilkunde, 33(4), 278–284. (Link)

Krieger T., & Berger, T. (2014). Schreiben bietet Vorteile: Beziehungsaufbau in einer internetbasierten Therapie. Psychoscope, 8-9, 4–7.

Krieger, T., Meyer, B., Sude, K., Urech, A., Maercker, A., & Berger, T. (2014). Evaluating an e-mental health program (“deprexis“) as adjunctive treatment tool in psychotherapy for depression: design of a pragmatic randomized controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry, 14, 285. DOI:10.1186/s12888-014-0285-9

Krieger, T., Zimmermann, J., Beutel, M. E., Wiltink, J., Schauenburg, H., & Grosse Holtforth, M. (2014). Ein Vergleich verschiedener Kurzversionen des Depressive Experiences Questionnaire (DEQ) zur Erhebung von Selbstkritik und Abhängigkeit. Diagnostica, 60, 126–139. DOI:10.1026/0012-1924/a000105

Krieger, T., Zimmermann, J., Huffziger, S., Ubl, B., Diener, C., Kuehner, C.*, & Grosse Holtforth, M.* (2014). Measuring depression with a well-being index: Further evidence for the validity of the WHO Well-Being Index (WHO-5) as a measure of the severity of depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 156, 240–244. [* shared senior authorship] DOI:10.1016/j.jad.2013.12.015

Pfeiffer, N., Krieger, T., Brockmeyer, T., & Grosse Holtforth, M. (2014). Die Kurzversion der NMR Skala (NMR-SF) zur Erfassung der selbsteingeschätzten Fähigkeit zur Regulation negativer Stimmungen: Überblick und Konstruktvalidierung. Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, medizinische Psychologie, 64(3-4), 108–114. DOI:10.1055/s-0033-1361153

Zimmermann, J., Altenstein, D., Krieger, T., Grosse Holtforth, M., Pretsch, J., Alexopoulos, J., Spitzer, C., Benecke, C., Krueger, R. F., Markon, K. E., & Leising, D. (2014). The structure and correlates of self-reported DSM-5 maladaptive personality traits: Findings from two German-speaking samples. Journal of Personality Disorders, 28, 518–540. DOI:10.1521/pedi_2014_28_130

2013 und früher

Altenstein, D., Krieger, T., & Grosse Holtforth, M. (2013). Interpersonal micro-processes predict cognitive-emotional processing and the therapeutic alliance in psychotherapy for depression. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 60(3), 445–52. DOI:10.1037/a0032800

Grosse Holtforth, M., Krieger, T., Altenstein, D., & Dörig, N. (2013). Expositionsbasierte kognitive Therapie bei Depressionen als Beispiel assimilativer Therapieintegration. Psychotherapie im Dialog, 14(03), 16–21. DOI:10.1055/s-0033-1353811

Krieger, T., Altenstein, D., Baettig, I., Doerig, N., & Grosse Holtforth, M. (2013). Self-compassion in depression: Associations with depressive symptoms, rumination, and avoidance in depressed outpatients. Behavior Therapy, 44(3), 501–513. DOI:10.1016/j.beth.2013.04.004

Grosse Holtforth, M., Krieger, T., Bochsler, K., & Mauler, B. (2011). The prediction of psychotherapy success by outcome expectations in inpatient psychotherapy. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 80, 321–322. DOI:10.1159/000324171

Trachsel, M., Krieger, T., Gilbert, P., & Grosse Holtforth, M. (2010). Testing a German adaption of the Entrapment Scale and assessing the relation to depression. Depression Research and Therapy, 1–10. DOI:10.1155/2010/501782

Znoj, H., & Krieger, T. (2009). Psychische Folgen nach Krankheit oder Unfall: Nicht nur Belastung, sondern auch persönliche Entwicklung. Zeitschrift für Psychotraumatologie, Psychotherapiewissenschaft, Psychologische Medizin, 7(1), 75–87.


Krieger, T. & Seewer, N. (2022). Einsamkeit. Reihe: Fortschritte der Psychotherapie. Göttingen: Hogrefe Verlag. (https://www.hogrefe.com/de/shop/einsamkeit-96338.html)

Seewer, N., & Krieger, T. (2025, in press) Ratgeber Einsamkeit: Informationen für Betroffene und Angehörige. Göttingen: Hogrefe Verlag. (https://www.hogrefe.com/de/shop/ratgeber-einsamkeit-99631.html)


Skoko, A., & Krieger, T., (2024, in press). (Chronische) Einsamkeit - Psychologische Aspekte zur Entstehung und Aufrechterhaltung eines komplexen Phänomens. In S. Stiehler, J. Schobin, & M. Stadtmann (Hrsg.). Einsamkeit heute. Campus Verlag.

Seewer, N. & Krieger, T. (2022). Interventionen gegen Einsamkeit und ihre Wirksamkeit. In: L. Arlt, N. Becker, S. Mann & T. Wirtz (Hrsg.). Einsam in Gesellschaft: Zwischen Tabu und sozialer Herausforderung. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag.

Krieger, T. (2020). Internet-basierte Interventionen zur Förderung von Achtsamkeit und Selbstmitgefühl. In: H. Bents, M. Gschwendt & J. Mander (Hrsg.). Achtsamkeit und Selbstmitgefühl. Berlin: Springer.

Krieger, T., Hänggli, M., grosse Holtforth, M., & Zimmermann, J. (2018). Personality and Depression. In: V. Zeigler-Hill & T. Shackelford (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences. New York: Springer.

grosse Holtforth, M. & Krieger, T. (2014). Expositionsbasierte kognitive Therapie bei Depressionen. In T. Teismann & O. Kunz (Hrsg.), Moderne Ansätze in der Depressionsbehandlung (S. 131-158). Heidelberg: DGVT-Verlag.


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